Orpington Quilters
Orpington Quilters
Gallery 2018
At our Christmas meeting we saw these three stunning quilts made by Diane, Norma and a new member, Mandy...
Norma has made these lovely quilts.
September 2018
Florence, one of our Young Quilters,  has made this baby quilt  herself for her new-born cousin. Lilly.
Mary, our newest member, made this pretty scissor keep.
Diane has just completed this modern work of quilted blocks, Yvonne has made this fabulous nova star quilt with folded curves, and Wendy made a lovely pastel baby quilt for her new granddaughter.
Another beautiful and colourful quilt from Jennifer. Â
She started this diamonds design at one of our workshops and the completed piece was shown at our July meeting.
Norma and Chris made the above quilts, and so many more, to donate to Linus and also for the babies' incubators at King's College Hospital.
We had a bumper Show n' Tell in June with these fabulous quilts made by Carole, Mags, Norma, Betty, Jennifer and Chris. Â They were spectacular. Â Well done girls!
How about this beauty! Â 240 Liberty fabrics collected by Mags of several years and put together in 3 days!
Beautifully handquilted by Chris
Three more of Mags' prolific output. Â The Stars quilt is made from Liberty fabrics on a white background and machine quilted.
These fabulously colourful quilts were made by Jennifer and shown to us at the AGM April 2018
700 hexegons made by Polly
Polly made this monster quilt for her new grandson!
How lovely is this one made by Yvonne.
Carole has been looking through windows again.. Lovely lap quilts made with pictorial blocks.
Feb/March 2018
Beautifully soft quilt made
with Tana lawn.
This stunning quilt has been made and machine quilted by Jennifer.. Â Feb 2018
Just look at this fabulous multicoloured multiskilled large quilt made by Polly, showing so many techniques so beautifully; pineapple,log cabin, courthouse steps, trip round the world etc.