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  Orpington Quilters

Chair - Jennifer Viner

Deputy - Anna Jardine


Secretary - Yvonne Stafford

Deputy - Vacancy

Treasurer - Diane Brown

Deputy - Norma Hale



Web Editor - Sue Ingram

Deputy - Vacancy

Stars by Mags copy

Mags, our former Chairman, made this stunning quilt using Liberty fabrics.  Curved piecing, wonky stars, squares in squares, just a few of the techiques we like to use at Orpington Quilters, in addition to the traditional styles we all love.

No, this isn't a photoshoot of all our members!!  

This colourful monster quilt was made by Polly, another former Chairman, for her new grandson.

2018-04-12 21.02.06 copy


The Group was formed in April 1981;  we still have some of the original ladies who are now honorary members.


We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 7pm until 9:30pm.


Our venue for meetings is The Small Hall, Christ Church, Charterhouse Road, Orpington, Kent, BR6 9PE.


New members are welcome. Annual subscription is £40.   Visitors are always welcome too (£5 when we have a speaker, otherwise £4) except in April when we have our Annual General Meeting, and December when we hold our Christmas party!  

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